Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I remember in culinary school, one of the chefs said that if you travel to another country and order dessert, it wouldn't be as sweet as it is here in the United States. He then said that, the United States has an incredibly over powering sweet tooth, that we are obsessed with sugar.  I would have to agree.  Think about all the foreign restaurants that we now have in the United States.  Hardly any of them have actual desserts from their place of origin.  They all have desserts that cater to the tastes of the American people so that they can survive the industry. 

 My husband said once, after he had gone to the store for me, that he had heard somewhere that if you want to eat healthy then you need to shop around the outside of the store, not the inner isles.  The inner isles are what holds all the processed, added sugar, GMO, MSG, etc etc kinds of foods.  He had noticed this because everything that I had sent him to the store to get were in the outer parts of the store. 

I saw this trailer this morning circulating through Facebook.  I can't WAIT to see this! 

So, Katie Curic has this "challenge" for America.  She challenges us to go "sugar free" for 10 days.  Here is the problem of going "sugar free".  Artificial sweeteners are just that, ARTIFICIAL.  They aren't natural. I can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners.  I used to use Splenda before I had my middle child. Ever since I was pregnant with her, I haven't been able to stomach the taste of artificial sweeteners.  This was over 9 years ago. 

I want to go a step further with the "challenge" and say go ALL NATURAL for 10 days and see how different you feel. I PROMISE, you WILL notice a difference.  I never thought I could go without sugar, ESPECIALLY being a pastry chef.  But I have.  And I don't regret it one second.

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