Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I hate hypocrisy. HATE it! It is essentially telling people, or yourself, that you are too good to follow rules and standards. And yet, I am guilty of it. We ALL are. I tell my kids that they need to floss their teeth everyday because it is good for their teeth. If they don't then their teeth will fall out.  But yet, I don't floss my teeth on a regular basis. I tell my girls that they need to exercise everyday to stay healthy and be strong. And yet, I haven't been exercising everyday like I used too.

Yesterday was my weigh in day.  I did lose, but for the last couple weeks I have lost under a pound each, totaling 1 pound in 2 weeks.  For some reason I was kinda down in the dumps yesterday about it. I asked my husband if he still thought I was "successful" in my weight loss. He of course replied with a firm, "YES."

So, here is my dilemma, why have I slowed down in my weight loss and WHY am I so bummed??? I KNEW I would eventually hit a plateau, but I didn't think it would be this soon. I figured it would be closer to my goal weight seeing how I am almost 100 pounds over weight. I figured I would plateau around the loss of 50 or so. I was prepared for that. My "dilemma" isn't so much a dilemma as it is an awakening. An awakening in how LAZY I have become on this journey! I haven't been eating whole grains like I used too. I can't remember the last time I made something with quinoa or wheat berries. I have actually been eating more meat. I still have kept my meat eating to once a day, but I eat it more often. As before when I started this journey, we were only eating meat once a WEEK at the very most! I haven't been paying TOO close attention to my body signals. I haven't been eating till I was stuffed, but I haven't stopped when I was no longer hungry. And, I haven't been exercising. I'm thinking the reason why I was so bummed yesterday was because I came to the realization that I was the kind of person I hate, a hypocrite. (Shameful bow of the head. Hand to forehead)

This is my plan, I'm going to exercise EVERY DAY this week.  I'm going to start listening harder to my body signals and stop when I am NO LONGER HUNGRY.  I'm going to eat more whole grains and less meat. And, I'm going to floss my teeth. ;)

After my husband replied a firm, "YES" to my question last night, he then suggested that I read my "Setbacks" post. This man is brilliant. Oh how I love him. So, I read my "Setbacks" post this morning and I had forgotten just about everything in that post. I admit that I get a little sad and hurt when I hear that people haven't read my blog. But, how can I expect them to read my blog when I don't read my blog. Sure, I write it, but do I actually take the time and energy to read it and remember the things that I wrote???  I read a scripture for our Family Home Evening last night in Joshua 1:8,  
"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therin day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."
The purpose was to help my girls understand that just "reading" the scriptures isn't OK, that we need to ponder on what we read and remember what we read through out the day.  As the night went on, I needed to take this lesson a different route. I need to read and ponder on the things that I write on this blog. I am not helping myself by not doing this. After all, this IS my journey and I need to take the lessons I learn on this journey and apply it to my everyday life instead of brushing them off to the side because I already "blogged" about them. If I do this, I will have "good success". No more hypocrisy. What is the point of learning lessons when we don't REMEMBER the lessons we learned? 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog and learning about your journey. I admire you for doing it and sharing your story. It's great to see your perseverance in this imperfect world. Keep it up, you are influencing more than you know.
