I often get asked what I'm doing for exercise these days. I reply with an honest answer, "I'm not exercising right now." The reasons are nothing but excuses, but it occurred to me the other day that that really isn't an "honest" answer. Let me explain.
I am a mother of 3 children. I have an almost 12 year old girl, a 9 1/2 year old daughter, and I have an almost 4 year old son. I realized the other day as I was running up the stairs for the 20th time that morning that I actually DO exercise every day. It may not be consistent and back to back, but I shouldn't discount the activities that a mother of 3 does everyday. We have 3 sets of stairs in our home and a total of 4 levels. I home school my 2 girls and their "school" is in the basement of our home. That is one set of stairs that I go up and down at least 20 times during the day. My room is on the second level of our home along with the closest bathroom. That is another set of stairs that I go up and down about 20 or so times during the day. The other bathroom and my kids bedrooms are on the top level of our home. That is the other set of stairs that I don't go up as often, but I still go up and down at least 10 times during the day. That is a total of going up and down the stairs in my home at least 50 times a day. I would say that is exercise. ESPECIALLY since my legs ache and are tired by the end of the day. Of course, there are the other things that I do daily that also count like cooking dinner for my family and sometimes walking to the mail box.
Don't discount the small things that you do everyday. After all, they DO add up.
I recommend getting an activity tracker such as FitBit, so you can see just how much exercise you're really doing!! I burn the same number of calories on days when I'm home doing stuff than on days when I'm sitting at work all day & then go to the gym.