When people find out that we have gone dairy-free, the typical responses are, "I don't think I could ever do that!", and "That has got to be hard!". Well, actually it hasn't been that hard at all. There was one meal this week where I missed the cheese, but it wasn't that big of a deal. We actually have been using nut milks for a while now (since I first started this journey almost 4 years ago) and that, I think, has made it easier on us. Our 2 and 6 year old boys actually prefer the nut milk over the cows milk and that makes it a TON easier.
Today marks the end of the first week back. Yes, I did weigh this morning and I logged it in my weight tracker. I was able to unload all the food we had that contained dairy and it felt amazing! It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was such a relief, especially knowing that it went to people who could use it instead of us throwing it away.
Today I decided that I was going to read all my past blog posts. It was a bit of an eye opener for me and it was good. I am so glad that I started this blog and that I've started to blog again. I was able to remember things that I had completely forgotten about. I love that I shared things and was so open with my experiences. The post that REALLY stood out to me today was my "Conversion" post from November of 2014. Especially how, in order to make a difference, we need to be completely converted to the idea of how and what we are going to change. My girls went ice skating this weekend with our church youth group. As a treat they had hot chocolate and donuts to offer the kids. My girls kindly declined the offers and I was SO very proud of them for doing this. I knew that they were going to have these treats there so, before the girls left we broke out some fresh berries and this dessert hummus I found at the store. Yes, it sounds weird, but it was actually quite tasty. As I was reading my "Conversion" post I hoped that my girls would get to the point where THEY notice a difference in themselves so that they could be converted to a healthier way of living. They are older now and I leave the decision making up to them, but I truly want them to notice for themselves the changes that will be happening. I feel as though they are committed to the changes we are making.
I wish that I had been able to do better while I was pregnant with our 4th. Pregnancy is tough. And I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it back as soon after, BUT I'm glad that we are here now. I'm so grateful for the experiences that I've had this last week with making new changes in our eating habits. My eyes have been opened to a new world and I am SO excited to start exploring more into this world of nondairy. Who's with me?!
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